
Meet Summer ...

A very special dog who has survived all odds.

Her perseverance and determination is proof that no matter what life throws at you; the good and the bad, the opportunities, obstacles and challenges ... anything is possible!

We all need a Summer to remind us that we are not alone. So, sing along ...

"...Call on me brother, when you need a hand. We all need somebody to lean on. I just might have a problem that you'd understand. We all need somebody to lean on!"

Her inspiration is contagious!

Be one of Summer's fans and follow her "paws-i-tive" journey.

**If you are just joining us, you'll want to start from the beginning with her post on August 8th, 2011, as her journey begins.**


December 25th, 2011

PHEW ... getting ready for the holidays and making sure I was going to be on Santa's "nice" list ... I am "DOG" tired!  It is hard work following Jewel from the garage, up the ramp and into the house and then back out again.  She went Christmas shopping and that required lots of trips to get all the "special surprises" inside.  So, being the social girl I am, I had to follow her every step and make sure she and the goodies got inside safely.

On the other hand, I think I've been duped ... you know how I can be a "donkey" when I don't want to do something?  Well, Jewel and Mercy have figured out that I have a special liking for "stuffies."  So ... they put one out in the field so I can see it and I am off at a dead run to get it.  Jewel has to run past me and get the "stuffie" before I get there and hide it in her coat.  Then I follow her everywhere just in case it falls out!  (And who's getting the exercise here?)

So fans, that means I'm up and really moving ... getting stronger every day!  A far cry from almost 5 months ago when I took my first steps with the support of the harness and 2 people holding me up.  It's a miracle really!

Speaking of miracles ....

Check out the before and now ... yes, it is really me ... now that's a WOW!

So, I also got the results of the culture" at the vet's.  The good news is we now have a good idea why I keep getting those nasty bladder infections ... I have the bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli), which causes the vast majority of UTIs.  The "ouch" news is that I have to be on medication for 30 days and it is almost $500!
And to the true spirit of Christmas, a Secret Santa (and another one of my angels) heard about the cost and paid for my medications ~ I am truly blessed!

The 16th of December was a busy, busy day!  Jewel, Brook and I went for my acupuncture and chiropractic appointment number 3 with Harmony.  I really like to go there 'cuz there are other animals coming and going all the time and I am so happy to see Harmony!  I also really, really like having everyone laying on the floor with me and giving me lots of love.  Wait ... is that a stuffie on the table in the room?  Anyway, since I'm not into the "pop" from the chiropractic tool Harmony even gave me a manual manipulation this time.  It was like a day at the SPA!

Later, Mercy and Jewel took me to the vet for the "big weigh in."  And I walked into the clinic (slick floor and all) just like a real dog and onto the scale.  The scale there doesn't have the 10th's like at Joy's but it kept going back and forth between ... drum roll ... 104 and 103, 103 and 104 ... so the girls called it 103.5 and took me for a PLAIN hamburger (no bun!) and we went and saw the Christmas lights at the farm nearby.  What a wonderful life!

I hear there is another “weigh in” coming soon  … and everyone is hoping for an even “lighter” end to 2011.  And that being said, remember to do your part to prevent holiday weight gain in your 4 legged family.  (Here’s a great article - http://www.pawnation.com/2011/12/21/prevent-holiday-weight-gain-in-pets/ ).

Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!  I hope Santa fulfilled all of your dreams and wishes.  I know he did mine! 

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
~ Summer

© Summer’s Journey – All Rights Reserved


December 2nd, 2011

REALLY?  Well, I am officially on bladder infection number 5.  Off to the vet we went again.  The girls had decided it is time to do a "culture" to find out what is going on and what antibiotics I am resistant too.  I just got over the last one and BAM!, here is another one.  Besides feeling icky, I am leaking everywhere, which is really upsetting me since I am SO "potty trained."

I so love being with everyone in the house.  I would see the other dogs hanging out on the couch and I decided it was time to join them.  So, up I go, onto to couch ... and sing my own version of "We are family."  "We are family ... all my brothers and sisters and me.  Get up everybody and sing."

You should see me go up and down the ramp from the house to the yard.  I can really move when I want to.  Jewel will hear this "thump, thump, thump" and guess what, I'm waiting at the door to be let in. 

Yup, I'm a house dog and I am part of the pack!

Jewel, Brooke and I went to see Harmony for appointment number two of acupuncture and chiropractic treatments. I get to cuddle with Jewel on the soft bed while I am getting treated.  I'm not to sure about the loud "pop" of the chiropractic tool.  It doesn't hurt, it is just an unnerving sound.

Three months ago I had no "reaction" when the docs or the girls would pinch between my toes of my left hind foot.  Now, I am jerking that leg back!  So much progress in such a short time!

Now for the big "weigh in" update and more success stories!  I weighed 107 (on the nose) at the vet's the other day.  That's 20+ pounds since those "singing angels" picked me up at the vet's back in August.  I am heading down to the 100 pound mark - how COOL is that?

I hear I am inspiring other dogs and people ... who would have ever thought?

Brooke just told me that Chevy, her rescue boy has lost 7 pounds!  And Tipper, a Jack Russell Terrier mix who they see on their walks, who was abandoned and adopted by a wonderful couple, has lost just about 1/2 of his body weight.  He started at 41 pounds and is now 22 pounds.  He looks like a completely different dog!  He has so much more energy and is so much healthier.  WAY to GO, guys!

See, anyone can do whatever they put their mind to ... and always remember that there are "inspirations" and angels everywhere.  Keep up the good work everyone!

Heading off for a nap.  Hoping to be up and feeling much better soon!

~ Summer
© Summer’s Journey – All Rights Reserved


November 18th, 2011

I thought I felt punky the week before last.  Well of course, I have another one of those ICKY bladder infections.  What is this ... number 4 or 5 since I was rescued in August?  I am really getting tired of them!  And not to mention the visit to the vet, the antibiotics, and labwork is hard on my pocket book. 

But, I am on the mend again and feeling pretty good ... Nope, I'm feeling GREAT! 

Cha...Ching!  I have moved out of my apartment and into the house!  I get to be with Jewel and I am truly part of the pack and pet family!  I have my own "posturepedic" dog bed right in the middle of things so I don't miss out on anything! 

Remember when the girls were discussing options for my rehab and the possibility of acupuncture?  Well, I went to my first "experience" with the "needles and the snap, crackle and pop" with a very special and talented lady named Harmony.  She does acupuncture and chiropractic treatments on pets, just like me. 

We went into this room and all of the humans sat on the floor with me ... now that was a change!  Harmony asked lots of questions about me and the girls answered the best they could, since so much of my past is a mystery. 

Harmony "manipulated" (LITERALLY) my left leg and found there was a lot of pain there (NO KIDDING!) and decided not to do a full exam because of the discomfort it would cause.  (Thank you Harmony!) 

We got to learn about acupuncture and then came the needles ... in my back, left hip and knee, and back feet.  I just wanted to crawl into Harmony's lap and give her kisses!  Meanwhile the girls gave me a massage and tiny bites of chicken.  It really wasn't that bad ... a little strange, but not bad. 

And of course there was another visit to see Joy and hydrotherapy.  I got myself right out of the car and right up to the building to meet another "4 legged patient" who was leaving ... and then I "stopped and dropped" right before the door!  Mercy just picked me up with the harness and deposited me right on the scale.  (OK, she didn't have much mercy for me today L). 

Cha...Ching!  110.8 pounds ... another whole pound down in a week.  And you know the routine ... 10 minutes and another 264 yards in the water on the treadmill.  Joy said I felt stronger even though I didn't really want to be there.  After we were done, I got a "stylish" blow dry and we were on our way back home. 

All of the girls, and especially Jewel say that I was obviously loved at one time because I am such a sweetheart.  I know what some words mean and I have obviously lived in a house before (no potty accidents).  And I was probably loved TOO MUCH "through food."
Speaking of food, Thanksgiving is here and I have so much to be thankful for ... where do I begin?  (Deep sigh...) 

A very tail waggin', sloppy kisses to all of my angels and fans out there who believe in me and have given me a new life! 

On behalf of Ms. Valentine, the other "foster" dogs and me ... We wish you, your family and your pet family a very, very happy Thanksgiving!

Gobble, Gobble,

~ Summer

© Summer’s Journey – All Rights Reserved



Friday, November 4th, 2011

Today was the coolest of COOL days!  I knew it as soon as Brooke drove up.  That usually meant we were going "for a car ride."  I was so excited to see her and get going ... look at me go (in the video above)!

We were going on a field trip to St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic School to meet 17 very special kindergarteners!  I SO love "little people" and these "kinders" have the hearts and souls of GIANTS!
The class participates in "Care for God's Creation," an all-year social justice project.  Every Friday is Quarter Day! and the students bring in a quarter for a charity that benefits homeless animals.  This year Pat Mill's kindergarten class is helping ME!!!  (Isn't that just so COOL?)

When we arrived, the kids and their teachers came outside to meet ME (and Jewel and Brooke of course)!  I was proudly presented with a pink heart dog tag with my name on it and $42 (and some change) from the "St. Al's Kinder's."

I got to meet each of the kids, get LOTS of pets and give LOTS of "Thank You" kisses.  It was one of the most special moments since I was rescued.  The girls shared my story; the challenges I am facing and my successes so far.  We also talked about the importance for both pets and people to eat a healthy diet and to exercise.  The best part was when the children were able to ask LOTS and LOTS of questions and share stories about their pets.  (You know ... out of the mouths of babes, they are the BEST!)

Then we were off to see Joy and 10 minutes and .05 of a mile of hydrotherapy.  It was ok ... but I wish I could have just stayed and hung out with the kids!

The scale is still dipping.  Today I weighed 111.8 and I have lost another 3 pounds in 2 weeks.  (The real bummer was the girls stopped at McDonald's ... and they wouldn't even share their French Fries ... so much for being healthy.<g>)

I can hardly wait to head back to the "black pack" so I can share my exciting day.

LOTs of tail wags today!

~ Summer

© Summer’s Journey – All Rights Reserved


October 2011

It's time to fast forward and catch up with all my fans!  Time flies when you are having fun and working hard!

I am doing DOG GONE GREAT!

  • I am making it back up the hill from the yard every evening to get my dinner and go to bed without much help and assistance from Jewel or Mercy.  I'm being to feel like a "light weight" and it feels good!  I have so much more "umph and energy."
  • I LOVE tennis balls and dog toys ~ although I can't chase them yet, I can chomp and chew on them.  And of course, catch them when they head my way.
  • I really want to play with the other dogs in the field and I tried.  They thought they were kinda like "body slammed" by a walrus ~ but hey, I want to get in on the fun!
  • The cold weather is affecting me and getting into my bones; just like so many of you who feel the pains of winter coming on (NO, I didn't say that!)
  • And I got another one of those icky bladder infections.  So, when your friends and family tell you "DRINK more water!" PLEASE listen to them, it is for your own good. 
  • But ... I squatted and peed on my own the other day (AND that my fans, is a really huge deal!)
Everyday, I continue to meet more people and be surrounded by more and more angels.  Did you know if you just look around ~ they are everywhere!
  • Auntie Sherrie dontated 2 more sessions of hydrotherapy for ME.  (GREAT, that means more work ... but it also means more weight loss and strength.)
  • Animal Advocates generously offered a Dollar for Dollar Matching Grant up to $1,000 and the MATCH was MET by several caring folks, including a $1,000 donation from an Anonymous Angel who couldn't resist my cuteness and the challenges I am facing!
  • All of the donations went directly to pay off my previous bills (and I had a lot of them) and will "continue" to pay for vet/medical bills, medications, and ongoing rehab (i.e. hydrotherapy and acupuncture).  (Maybe I should see about starting a college fund while I'm at it ... just kidding!)
I am such a lucky dog and SO very, very thankful! WOOF!

I know, you can't wait to hear how those pounds are rolling off. Well, I weighed in at 114.8 on October 21st (YAHOO!) and up to 3 mph, 264 yards and 10 minutes on the treadmill while Joy is working those back legs!  That's about 13 "ish" pounds in a little over 2 months - just what Dr B. said is a safe rate.

That reminds me, I wanted to tell you about the cat that I met at the vet.  Fifi weighed 32 pounds and had to be weighed on the dog scale (how humiliating ... I know!)  This poor cat can't walk or barely move and had sores all over its belly ... sound familiar?

Fifi looked a lot like Otto (shown here).  Otto made it on the Today Show earlier this year, for weighing the equivalent of a 500 pound man.

Otto - click his picture for his whole story
So, I wanted to talk about the growing problem of overweight and obesity in our "pets" that join the 33.8% of adults and 17% of children and adolescents aged 2 - 19 who are obese.

Fifi, Otto and I are just THREE of the approximately 53% of cats and 55% of dogs that are overweight or obese according to the latest study by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP). 

These numbers keep going up every year.  Last year's study revealed 45% of dogs and 58% of cats were classified as overweight or obese by their vets. 

This equals almost 90 million pets at risk for developing diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney and respiratory disease and many forms of cancer ... costing pet owners millions in avoidable medical costs. 

Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI) claims it pays out over $14 million in weight-related claims each year.  Dr. Ward stated:  "It's not only the cost in tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars in largely preventable medical expenses that concerns me.  It's the incalculable  
suffering and needless loss of life that compels me to take action against obesity.  Pet obesity is far the greatest health threats our pets face."

It is a very scary thing, knowing how many health risks are associated with this problem.  I just want to be able to walk, run, be healthy and be a dog!

I understand the struggles that I am going through and know it is the same for people and other pets out there to "drop those unwanted pounds" - It is very hard work and you need a lot of help!

That's where I come in, my dream is to share my journey and successes (and those of others like me) and to be an inspiration to people (like you) who may be faced with weight, health, or other personal challenges ... and of course, being the "spokes-dog" for pet parents and their pets!  Please Visit my "Resources for Pets Like Me" to learn more.

I'm getting ready to head off to meet some pretty awesome kindergartners ... you won't want to miss this "field trip."

~ Summer

© Summer’s Journey – All Rights Reserved


Friday, September 23rd, 2011

I can feel it in the air ... Today is the first day of Autumn already and that makes me "ornery!"

Earlier this week, I rolled all the way over in the soft green grass for the very first time.  It felt so good!  I just love "hanging" with the other dogs and I know that one day I will be able to join them running and playing with so much ease.

In the meantime, I am determined to follow my "peeps" everywhere.  The other day Jewel was going to get the pooper scooper and I decided that I was going with her.  So, I got up on my own, got going across the yard and up 2 small steps onto the deck ... in a nano second, before I dropped to the ground to rest.  No keeping this girl down!

This was a busy week!  I got to go for 2 car rides.  Did I mention that I just love riding in the car?  The car rides were great - the destinations "not so much."

First, was a visit to the vet to rule out bladder stones as a possible cause for the reoccurring bladder infections.  They put me on this table that raised up with the push of a button.  Then they rolled me to another room and slid me onto another metal table.  If that wasn't scary enough, they turned me upside down with my paws in the air and took pictures.

The x-rays showed no bladder stones and no major issues with my hips - YAHOO!  They did show a narrowing in my spine which may be pressing on the nerve.  I left loaded up with more pills and stuff for my ears and eyes.  Really?  I might have allergies too?

Today we went for another ride.  As I smelled the air and the familiar scent of the river ... I knew where I was going.  And then there she was - Joy in her "fishing waders!"  I wish I could just come and visit Joy instead of the weekly weigh-in and hydrotherapy tank.

So, I decided it was time to head back to the car to leave.  When that didn't work, I decided to just drop to the ground!  I wasn't going - No way, No how!  I hoped that "maybe" they would give in, give me a belly rub and we could just go home.

Instead, the girls hoisted me up and coaxed me to walk to THAT building.  HA, I showed them.  I tucked up my legs ... YUP, all 4 of them!  (I think I mentioned that I can be really stubborn - like a donkey!)  They were as determined as I was and the 3 of them "carried me" using the harness (huffing and puffing) through the door and onto the scale.  Then they hooked my up so I could go to work.

From there, I spent the next 10 minutes in the water, all 120.4 pounds of me.  I went 4/100 of a mile (or 211 feet) on the treadmill, but it felt like a marathon.

Finally we headed back to the car and the yard with the soft green grass.  As I sniffed the fresh air and took a deep breath, I told myself "good job" and laid my head down for a well deserved nap!

~ Summer

P.S.  Remind me to tell you next time about the cat that I met at the vet, that was like me.

© Summer’s Journey 2011– All Rights Reserved


Friday, September 17th, 2011

Have you ever had a coach or a trainer at a health club that was relentless?  Welcome to my world!  I didn't realize that I was scheduled for TWO hydrotherapy visits this week.  REALLY?  These girls are hard core.

My weight keeps coming off - slowly but safely!  The first visit with Joy this week I weighed 121.8 and then 120.6 on the second.  That means I have lost 7 pounds in just about a month.

Everyone is so proud of me ~ the progress I've made and the weight I've lost.  It is starting to show.  My face is thinner and my skin is getting loose.  I may be a candidate for a tummy tuck down the road ...

Knowing that "big swim" is next, I sing the Little Engine that Could song to myself - knowing that it is only 8 minutes of my life.  Last week it was 6 minutes, what's up with that?  I can hear Joy, Jewel, and Brooke cheering me on - "You can do it," "Go girl, Go girl," and "Way to go Summer, you are AWESOME!"

I really do have angels everywhere.  This week, one of Joy's customers donated three more sessions to ME, in loving memory of her dog, Ravenstroke.  I am so thankful, humbled and lucky ... I will work extra, extra hard!

However, I really struggled this week 'cuz I didn't feel good.  I think I have another one of those nasty bladder infections.  (Unfortunately they are very common with dogs like me who have limited mobility.  It is hard for me to empty out my bladder completely and the risk of bacteria - Sorry, I know ... too much information!)  So Joy suggested we take a break for a week so I could rest, which was A-OK by me.

Speaking of mobility ... now that I am getting up more and more, everyone is worried that I may do too much and possibly hurt myself.  The fact is that my left side of my body is so much weaker than my right (from not being able to get up, exercise, and spending all that time laying on my left side.)

So the girls and the professionals are talking amongst themselves about some other alternatives for my long-term rehab.  (Oh my, one of them involves needles ... called acupuncture and the other one is kinda like "snap, crackle and pop." Nope not the cereal, it's chiropractic treatments.)

Like all humans, they all have their own opinion about what is "right" for me.  (Remember the whole debate just around the kind of food I should have?)  Well, off they went again; analyzing, discussing, agreeing and disagreeing ...

And that's OK, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy knowing that they care so much!

Feeling really punky, so signing off for now.

~ Summer

Copyright - Summer's Journey 2011 - All rights reserved


Friday, September 9th, 2011

This has been another incredible week!  I got to "walk" down to the house, yard and field!  Did you catch it - WALK?  Get this, I am actually getting up more and more and walking with very little support from my front and rear helpers!  Isn't that just AWESOME?

Every day now I get to hang out with my new 4-legged friends and see "up close and personal" what they bark at and run after.  Usually it is cars driving by, people on their bicycles or "just 'cuz they can."  (It's something that only dogs understand.)

Did you know that there is a TURKEY that lives here at "Foster Farms" Retreat?  Her name is Ms. Valentine and she was rescued too!  The other day, I was really excited when it was time to head down the hill and join the rest of the "black pack."  I stopped to rest (like I usually do) and heard this "cluck" and saw her in her pen.  I was so intrigued by this white, feathery bird that I bulldozed my way over to her and flopped down.  (Yes, you can do that with 120 pounds working for you.)

I found out that Ms. Valentine is really social and had a lot to say to me in "turkey talk."  I was enchanted by her and her clucking, gobbles, cackles, and purrs, I wasn't going anywhere!  We had a long conversation about how lucky we both were, how and why we were rescued and how good our lives were now.  Well, I made another new friend and the dogs in the yard could wait for now.

Since I am such a sucker for car rides, I ended up at visit number TWO at the "water spa" (Not so much) and to see my friend Joy.  No offense, but if I had my way, I'd hang out with my new friends and skip my hydrotherapy workouts all together.  But of course, the girls won't hear of that!

First, the ritual weigh in ... drum roll ... 122.2 pounds.  I know how the contestants feel every week on The Biggest Loser - every pound is an accomplishment and a celebration!

Then on to the hard work.  When the 6 minutes were finally over I got up (on my own) and headed toward the computer where the girls were busy scheduling my next sessions of "PT."  Although it feels like "pain and torture," it will help me heal!

I walked 8 to 10 steps before Jewel raced over to "rescue" me before I made it to the slick cement floor.  Don't tell Jewel but I wasn't coming to help book the next visit - I was actually heading to the door ... to the car ... and back to the yard to hang out with all my new friends.

See Ya!
~ Summer

Copyright - Summer's Journey 2011 - All rights reserved

Sorry FANS ...

If you are "following by email" - it appears that the "format" is getting lost in translation - combining words, leaving out spaces, etc. 

The blog itself seems to be fine.

Don't understand this technology stuff.  I've posed the "issue" to the HELP Forum and awaiting an answer. 

I know I'm a dog ... but my grammar is alittle better than what is coming over the "email" wires. 

~ Summer


Friday, September 2nd, 2011
I am such a lucky dog – my life has changed so much in the last several weeks.  This week has been no exception and full of more new adventures.
You know how you perk up when someone asks you if you want to do something you really enjoy?  Like go shopping or out to dinner?  Well, two of mine are – “Want to go for a walk?” and “Want to go for a ride?”
The walk is a three-some.  Usually with Jewell on the side with the front of the harness, I’m in the middle, and Mercy bringing up my rear – literally!  In fact, when I’m excited, I try to run with them … only for a few steps … but hey, it’s progress!

The other day I headed to the car with the open door and got my front half up into the car and Mercy hiked my rear end in and took me for a happy ride.  So today, when the girls asked me if I wanted to go for a ride, I was all over it!
I was going “swimming.”  When we arrived, I was greeted by a lady named Joy and her helper.  Of course, I was so excited to see them I once again spilled out of the car.  Joy works with dogs that have mobility issues or are recovering from surgery in the water.

Pool ~ Swimming ~ How COOL!  
While I was busy looking for the outdoor pool, I was guided into a building instead.  Well, it wasn’t really a pool, it was more like a tank and I wasn’t really going swimming.  (Talk about a letdown!)  Instead I was about to have my first experience with “hydrotherapy.” 

First, I weighed in and I have lost almost 3 pounds in a little over two weeks or 124.4 pounds.  (Now that’s what I’m talking about!)  While we were celebrating the good news, Joy put on these “waders.”  My harness was replaced with another and it was hooked to what looked like a “hoist” and up I went. (What? Now I’m flying?)

The next thing I knew, Joy and I were in the “pool” (NOT!) and it started filling up with water.  If matters couldn’t get any worse – the floor started moving.  Not only was I in a tank, I was on a treadmill!  I wasn’t going to just relax and float, I was exercising!

For the next 6 minutes, I huffed and puffed while I walked on the treadmill and Joy worked my back legs (especially the left one).  Finally, the water started going down and I was back on solid ground, where I was rewarded with a good rub down with a towel.  My harness was put on and I was so “out of there,” heading to the car and going home.  Those 6 minutes felt like hours! 

Like it or not, hydrotherapy is a really important part of my being able to walk again.  I can exercise without the pressure of all my body weight and cause any more damage.  I wouldn’t have gone back or scheduled the next two visits, if Dr. B hadn’t recommended it and Mercy generously donating 4 sessions (Thank you!).

Tuckered and Sore!
~ Summer

Copyright - Summer's Journey 2011 - All rights reserved


Friday, August 26th, 2011

WOW … has it already been two weeks since I left the vet?  I have been so busy settling in, getting familiar with my new place called "Foster Farms" Retreat and getting to know the other dogs that live here.  Several of the dogs have been rescued just like me, so we have a lot in common.  It’s all good! 

I spent the first night getting a well deserved good night sleep on all of the snugly soft beds.  (It sure beats the hard ground in the ditch and the concrete at the shelter.)  The next morning, I was determined to check out my new surroundings and all the new smells.
I could hear the little engine and her helper singing, "I-think-I can! I-think-I can! I-think-I can."
Well, I just knew I could and got up on all four’s ready to go check it all out on my own … (You know the saying, you can't keep a good "dog" down).  It worked for a second or two
and ... oops, down I went. 
The girls have worked out a schedule to get me “up and out,” since it takes two of them, even with the help of the nifty harness.  After a few days though, the girls barely had to hold me up with the harness. That is HUGE progress in only 2 weeks!

That is, as long as we are going in the direction that I want to go.  However if it’s not, I “put my weight into it” and become a 127 pound stubborn donkey.  They quickly figured out that they could coax me with a TINY piece of CHICKEN.  (Well, that only worked the first couple of times, I figured that one out!)

I get to spend time every day in the fenced area where I watch the other foster dogs running and barking in the field below and enjoy the beautiful scenery.  My new two legged friends come to visit, hang out with me and give me lots of love and attention.  (It's all about me, don't you know.) 
It’s awesome ‘cuz when they hold out a “tiny” treat, I get what they call “my CHICKEN face.”

(Yup ...love that chicken!)
Speaking of food … the girls have been frantically researching my new strict diet.  Oh… the many, many phone calls, discussions, emails and online research … all around what type of food I should eat, the amount, the ingredients, the nutritional values (protein, fat, fiber) and so on.  I’m guessing that hamburgers and french fries aren’t going to be on the menu – DARN! 
My weight is my biggest concern and preventing me from getting around on my own.  Dr. B said I need to lose 50 to 60 pounds.  YIKES, that means I am considered 79% overweight … the same as a 5’9” man weighing over 300 pounds (with 130 pounds of that being "extra" weight). To really put it into perspective, try carrying THREE 40 pound bags of dog food areound all of the time.  No wonder I can’t stand up or walk!
With all the talk about diet, exercise and overall health risks, I think I’ll do some research on my own – on the growing problem of animals (like me) and “packing on those extra pounds” and people too!  I hope everyone can benefit and work on this together!
Heading off to the book store …

Got Chicken?
~ Summer

P.S. Again, I would like to thank everyone for your help and dedication, and especially for following my journey! Thank you!
**Side note before I totally sign off ... some of my fans are telling me that if they are following by email, some of you may not be getting the pictures, just the text.  And as they say, "pictures are worth a thousand words."  If this is happening to you - try:  1. check your computer settings, 2. Join the site! or "forward the message" and they should pop up.**

Copyright - Summer's Journey 2011 - All rights reserved


Monday, August 15th, 2011

Today is another big day! After spending a wonderful week at the vets, I’ve been cleared to leave and start the next chapter of my new life.  (Wait, a wonderful week at the vet’s?  That sounds just wrong!)

OK…the X-rays, blood work and other tests weren’t exactly an enjoyable experience, but Dr. B said it gave him lots of answers.  I was treated for a nasty bladder infection (if you’ve ever had one, you know what I’m talking about - not fun!). The X-rays showed arthritis and possible torn ACL’s in both knees. The good news is there doesn't appear to be any nerve damage or thyroid problems.

The vet staff treated me like royalty. I was so happy with all the love and attention, I gave myself “happy tail.” (You know … that thing you get when you wag your tail too much!)   So YES, it was a wonderful week at the vet’s.

Before I left, with the pretty pink bandage on my tail <g>, I had my second weigh in and weighed 3 pounds more – 127.  Total Bummer!  But Dr. B said it wasn't surprising since I was very dehydrated before. Everyone is hopeful that with weight loss and therapy, I will regain the mobility in my hind legs and be able to walk. There is a possibility of surgery, but I have to weigh under 100 pounds first.  

Once again, the singing angels appeared and swooped me up and loaded me back into the SUV (OK OK, swoop is a slight exaggeration).  Off we went again … over more mountains, valleys and rivers. 

When we arrived, we were greeted by another angel who was holding a special harness … (just for me!) and once again, I started to tumble out of the car to greet her.  The poor girls really struggled … grunting and dripping with sweat, while they maneuvered me this way and that, to get the harness on.
And then it happened … with the harness and their support, I was able to stand and walk my first “baby” steps. You could hear their cheers of joy for miles and I couldn’t stop wagging my tail, even if I do look like a bear!

I am so excited to settle in to my new place (all set up with soft beds everywhere)!  I know I'm going to love it here!  

Since I am still young (only 2 to 5 years old) and have my whole life ahead of me …my transformation to safely lose half of my body weight so I walk and run - starts now!

Determined and so very thankful,
~ Summer

Copyright - Summer's Journey 2011 - All rights reserved

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Monday, August 8th, 2011

My name is Summer and today is the first day of the rest of my life.  Over 2 weeks ago, I was alone in a ditch on the side of the road after someone left me there. (Who would do something like that?)  After 2 days, a caring person called for help and I was taken to the local animal shelter.The people at the shelter were so nice and kind.  They knew I needed more help than they could provide and called a very special person who could do just that - help me.
You see… I am grossly obese, I weigh 124.2 pounds (about twice what I should weigh), and I look like a bear.  I probably weighed more ... but the truth is "it's way too much."  To further complicate things, I can’t stand up or walk, so I pull and drag myself around. I want to so badly and I keep trying, but I just can’t get up.
I knew there was not much hope or time left for me ...unless a "village of caring souls" came to my rescue.

This morning, when I woke up, I sniffed the air and I could feel that things were about to change. And then I heard it, coming from miles away … two Angels singing at the top of their lungs to Marvin Gaye’s song:
“Listen, Summer. Ain't no mountain high. Ain't no valley low. Ain't no river wide enough.  If you need me, call me. No matter where you are. No matter how far. Just call our names. We'll be there in a hurry, You don't have to worry…”

Please don’t tell the girls, but they were a little off tune <g>. The next thing I knew, I was being loaded into the back of a SUV on soft dog beds and off we went … back over the “mountains, valleys, and rivers.”

Our next stop was with a wonderful vet who was standing by to check me out from head to tail and start the medical treatment I so desperately needed.  I was so excited to let him know that “I am here!” and I poured out of the car, only to be caught by four people.

First, there was the humbling experience of the initial big “weigh in.”  I felt like I was a contestant on either the reality show "The Biggest Loser" or "Extreme Makeover – Weight Loss Edition.”

But that is ok, because I knew I couldn’t have gotten this far by myself without the help of so many heroes who came to my rescue, surrounding me with care, compassion and the will to survive!  I can still hear the Angels singing:

“Cuz Summer ...There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough, ain’t no river wide enough, Summer … To keep us from getting to you.”

I hope you will follow me on my journey and celebrate my successes, challenges and tough times, and my determination to never give up ….(Deep sigh) … For tonight, I will sleep tight!

Until next time,
~ Summer 

Copyright - Summer's Journey 2011 - All rights reserved